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contoh kalimat bisa dihukum

"bisa dihukum" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • If you are reprimanded once, you cannot be reprimanded again.
    Aku tidak bisa dihukum dua kali.
  • Money laundering can get you as much as 20 years.
    Pencucian uang bisa dihukum 20 tahun.
  • I was looking at 30 years to life.
    Aku bisa dihukum 30 tahun sampai seumur hidup.
  • They'll give us 20 years in the electric chair.
    Kita bisa dihukum 20 tahun di kursi listrik.
  • ..with their father's property, then why can't they..
    ...dari ayahnya, kenapa dia tak bisa dihukum,..
  • But you could be punished for this demand.
    Tapi kau bisa dihukum atas tindakanmu itu.
  • They can still be pυnished for your mistakes.
    Mereka masih bisa dihukum karena kesalahanmu.
  • They can be put to better use
    Pendeta. - Mereka bisa dihukum lebih baik
  • ...can only be convicted if the prosecution proves all the
    ... Hanya bisa dihukum jika seluruh tuntutan terbukti
  • I could get seven years... seven years?
    Aku bisa dihukum tujuh tahun... Tujuh tahun?
  • I'll probably got detention because of you, asshole.
    Aku bisa dihukum karena kau, brengsek.
  • Anyone can be grounded for knowing you, ok?
    Siapapun bisa dihukum gara-gara mengenalmu, tahu?
  • Yeah, well, Hector says you can serve your full sentence.
    Ya, Hector bilang jika kau bisa dihukum seumur hidup
  • No one is above the law.
    Tak ada seorangpun yang tak bisa dihukum.
  • Reaction, you get sentenced to 18 months.
    Reaksi, Anda bisa dihukum 18 bulan.
  • We're not gonna risk that so you can get his diamonds.
    Jika tertangkap, bisa dihukum seumur hidup hanya demi berlian?
  • Would that take care of your diane problem?
    Dia bisa dihukum karena ini. Apakah itu akan membereskan masalahmu tentang Diane?
  • You're not immune from the HR department.
    Kau bisa dihukum. - Dewasalah.
  • You could get the death penalty, Sam.
    Kau bisa dihukum mati, Sam.
  • 'Cause you're 100% guaranteed conviction.
    Karena kau 100% dijamin bisa dihukum
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